Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Final Presentation

ISO: 100  f/22  1/4 sec

ISO 100  f/4.5  1/160 sec

ISO 400  f/5.6  1/3200 sec

ISO 200  f/5.0  1/640 sec

ISO 200  f/11  1/1600 sec

ISO 400  f/16  1/160 sec

ISO 400  f/11 1/400 sec

ISO 800  f/11  1/100

Thursday, November 15, 2018

My Attempt at Black & White

This is my first attempt at a black and white picture. The issue I am currently having while editing is the grayish tint that outlines the mountains. I found this picture to be much more dramatic looking in black and white than it was in color.